Born in Misrata district in Derne near Tripoli,Libya 1244/1828.
Member of Madani branch of the shadhiliyya order
His full name is Shaikh Mohammed Zafir b.Mohammed Hasan b.Hamza Zafir al-Madani at Trablusi al-Magribi asha-shirazi.
His father is Mohammed hasan Zafir al Madani,his mother's name is Kamer
He received private lessons from his father.
stayed in Misrata up to 19_20 agesFollowing his basic education he went to Tunus,Algeria and Egypt He then moved to Medina,he took lessons from scholars of the region.
After completing his education he returned to Tripoli and stayed there until age of 43.
He then became the successor of the Madani branch of shadhiliyya order.
Meanwhile,his brother Hamza Zafir came to Istanbul.he was introduced to Pertevniyal Valide Sultan (mother of Sultan Abdulaziz) by the governor of Tripoli,Mahmud Nedimpasha(d.1300/1883).
when she declared her willingness to join the order,Hamza Zafir told her that his brother is the one toconsult for that.
And advised him to be invitedto Istanbul.So,Shaikh Zafir came to Istanbul in 1287/1870 during Abdulaziz era.
Ahouse near Unkapami has been assigned to him.
He soon started giving lessons there.
Abdulhamid II met him first there in one of the gatherings in disguise.
He admired Shaikh Zafiri alot.
Shaikh Zafiri carried on there gatherings there for 3 years.
He married a woman from Sultan's palace in 1290/1873.And he went to Medina with the purpose of retiring into seculution.
In 1293/1876 Abdulhamid II came to power.
Shaikh Zafiri was invited to the capitol once more.
He started ritual and litany(dhikr) accoring to Shadhiliyya way in Yildiz Hamidiye mosque.
Ertugrul Tekkesi was built by the Sultan as a sign of his admiration to Shaikh Zafiri.
In that way.
Shadhiliyya order had the chance of opening its first tekke in Ottomanterritory.
Shaikh Zafiri wanted to go back to him country (Libya) three times but the Sultan did not allow him.
Shaikh Zafiri influenced many of the important characters of his age.
Among his disciples worth to mention are Tunuslu Hayreddin Pasha,Mohammed Abduh and Cemaleddin Efgani.Shaikh Mohammed B.Aziz,Ahmed Zafir,Ibrahim Zafir are some ofhis successors.
His wife Deblec Hanum died 1330/1912 and buried in his tomb
His works
1.Al-Envaru'l Kudsiyya fih Tenzih-i Turuki'l kavmi'l Aliyye's Satu ve'l Burhanu'l kati
3.Akrabu'l vesail li-idraki maali muntehabi'r resail'z Zafiriyye .
I've been There for the first time in my Life with my family, I met Shaikh Ozair and his daughter Zeynab.
Shaikh Ozair he is the Emam of the Mosque beside the Takia
He was generous man ,Proud to meet him and I wish we can see him again

A.A.Basher.Zafir Al Madani
Shaikh Ozair he is the Emam of the Mosque beside the Takia
He was generous man ,Proud to meet him and I wish we can see him again
A.A.Basher.Zafir Al Madani
Looks Intersting
Thanks Anonymous.
really 4 the first time i knoe abut this shekh.....really good
Hi, My name is Aslı and I live in Istanbul. I am the grand daughter of Shaik Hamza Zafir and when I came across with your blog I wondered if you could be one of our relatives.
Do you have any relations with Zafir family?
hello Ash...I'm libyan lives In Libya
My Grandfather told us about about Shaik Mohamed Zafir and his sons there in Turkey
I was there Week ago and I visited the Takia for the 2nd time
made a tour with my family inside the Jama3 there
Hope you can mail me
and sorry for the delay
Al Madani
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
تحية طيبة وبعد:
لقد اطلعت على مدونتكم الكريمة بخصوص السيد الأستاذ الشيخ / محمد ظافر المدني (خادم الفقراء) , وأحيطكم علما بأن بيننا وبين جدكم مودة عميقة ومحبة عظيمة حيث أنه أخ في الله والطريق الصوفي لجدنا الشيخ / إبراهيم سالم الشنديدي.
مرفق صور لبعض الرسائل التي أرسلها جدكم لجدي - رحمة الله عليهم أجمعين - , وارجو من سيادكم إن كان لديكم رسائل مرسلة من جدي أن تتكرمي بإرسال صورة منها, أكون شاكرا وممتنا لكم..
آسف على هذه الرسالة المختصرة , وأنا وأسرتي نكن لكم كل احترام وتقدير , وأرجو ان تدوم المودة بيننا في الدنيا ويوم الدين بإذن رب العالمين.
خالص تحياتي وتمنياتي الطيبة لكم وللشعب الليبي الشقيق. فرج الله عنكم كل كرب وهم.
مع خالص تحياتي واحترامي
إبراهيم مختار الشنديدي الإدريسي
رابطي على الفايس بوك:
حاولت إرسالها على بريدكم الإلكتروني لكن اعتقد ان هناك خطأ ما, لذلك كتبت الرسالة هنا كتعليق
رابط الرسائل:
Can someone please post the address in Istanbul for the Great sheikh?
Assalamu alaykum Asli
My name is Allie. Can you please contact me via Facebook messenger or instagram @allie_khalfe
hello asli and everybody I am Naeem zafir from Libya where is my family in turkia
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